Strategic Intelligence

Gathering intelligence about what's next, and, beyond is vital in today's rapidly accelerating world  It helps you, your family, and your organization to be more strategic, resilient, and able to make better decisions, today in anticipation of future changes.

It can also help you seize opportunities and innovate before others, manage risks by planning and acting ahead for possible scenarios and events that could affect you and your associates,

It also enables organizations to identify emerging activities and to study the activities of their rivals that could give them a competitive edge or avoid being left behind.

Click my video on how gathering intelligence is done here and see how a seemingly impossible task to know what's coming can be done by gathering artificial and human intelligence.




Then, try it for yourself here. Just search for a topic of interest to you in the search box below.

Then, try it for yourself here by registering. Just search for a topic of interest to you in the search box below.

Video text

Horizon scanning is important because it can help organizations to be more strategic, resilient, and adaptable to future changes. It can also help them to manage risks by planning ahead for possible scenarios and events that could affect their operations, finances, and reputation. Horizon scanning can also enable organizations to identify new opportunities and innovations that could give them a competitive edge.

