
Emerging Trends

Investigate weak signals and new trends

You and your organization can interactively and collaboratively dig deeper into and make better sense of any scan you make on the Shaping tomorrow platform. One particular way to do that is to create a table of the 10 most significant Emerging Trends for any of your scans - You do this with just one click after you have made your scan of interest.

Here you have an example of an Emerging Trends Table for the scan: 'Sustainable Traveling'

Shaping Tomorrow's Emerging Trends

For each trend listed you get a indicator for:

  • Impact
  • Likelihood
  • Timeframe
  • Maturity
  • Priority
  • a set of controls

And each trend listed you can click on and deeper investigate applying a whole range of additional foresight tools.

Should you not intuitively understand the trends listted, click on the 'i' after the name of each trend, this will provide you with the underlying reasoning why this particular trend is listed under your present scan, in this case 'sustainable traveling'. For the trend 'Rise in Eco-Tours' this is the explanation:

More information on each Emerging Trend

You may not agree with or have other sources informing you differently on the value of any of the indicators - If you would like to alter any of the values listed you can easily do so using the Edit Control, which lets you edit any of the listed values. This may be important as each table is automatically saved for later use and reference.

We have received very positive customer feedback on our Emerging Trends tables and everything that you can do with them. We feel absolutely convinced you will find our trend tables very powerful for your sensemaking and immensely time saving in your research and understanding of our futures.
